Monday, March 9, 2020

Chasing Our First Waterfall in Senaru


Senaru is a village next to Mount Rinjani. Most visitors are here to trek the volcano. However, Senaru has scenic trails and spectacular waterfalls which appeals to those who aren't.

We signed up for a half day tour from Rudy Trekker which happens to be where we stay. The first portion of the tour is trekking through a rice terrace to Sendang Gile Waterfall. The rice terrace is beautiful! It's amazing how our guides can trek with just a pair of flip flops. I had a pretty tough time maintaining my balance and not fall into their crops.


The lush green terraced rice field

ABOVE: The lush green terraced rice field. Love the beautiful curves it creates.


After almost an hour of hike, we finally see a small stream. We took a good 10 minutes break; hydrated ourselves, took some shots of the scenery and me, messing around as usual.


Water at last!

ABOVE: Crossing the stream after our break.


Me messing around.

ABOVE: Me messing around with the stick I found along the trail.


Whispering sweet nothings.

ABOVE: Great capture by our guide when we were having our little chat.


Another 20 minutes of bashing through the hills, it brings us back to the main road. We had made a big detour back to the same spot! The 2nd portion of the tour, to Sendang Gile Waterfall!

We realized we do not actually need a guide to the waterfall. The road is pretty straightforward. The waterfall is just 5 minutes walk from Rudy Trekker and the road signs indicated clearly which way to take. You will need to pay an admission fee and head down a flight of stairs before reaching Sendang Gile Waterfall.


Whispering sweet nothings.

ABOVE: Sendang Gile Waterfall. Beautiful isn't it?


We went all out for this! Getting into our swim wear and jumped right into the waterfall. We went right under and let the waterfall "beat" us on the head. It's a pretty good massage but it's freezing!

One of our guides made a spontaneous choice and joined us in the waterfall. The three of us were dripping water after the dip but it's a lot of fun. Thank god we brought out towels from Rudy Trekker.


ABOVE: Posing after the dip at Sendang Gile Waterfall.


Rudy Trekker Rinjani Tours & Guest House

ABOVE: Crazy sunset at Rudy Trekker Rinjani Tours & Guest House


After our dinner, we took a little stroll around the tiny village. We passed the main road and looked across the vast terraces. Inside me, I was screaming: "We were there! We were there!"


ABOVE: Tea plantation? Rice plantations? We were right there in the afternoon.


There pretty much sums up our Lombok adventures. Below is a 15 seconds video of the whole trip; snorkeling at Gili Air, sunset, movie screening under the stars and the waterfall clips.

Enjoy folks :)


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